Plantar Warts

Warts are among one of the most common viral skin conditions. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and appear as lumpy growths on the body, mainly on the hands and feet.

Anyone can develop warts but it is most prevalent in children with some estimates suggesting that 1 in 5 children are likely to develop warts. Warts thrive in warm, moist environments (e.g. swimming pools, hotel showers and other public amenities) and are believed to be transported through water molecules. Even the smallest cuts and breaks in the skin can allow the virus to be transmitted.

Warts affecting the plantar (bottom) surface of the feet can be particularly painful on weight-bearing. Their appearance can be quite unpleasant too and is often described as a “cauliflower-like” appearance with tiny black dots in the centre. They are therefore referred to as plantar warts.

Unlike other types of warts affecting other body parts, plantar warts extend deep below the outermost layer of the skin, making it more resistant to off-the-shelf pharmacy preparations. Plantar warts are often misdiagnosed for other skin conditions such as corns or calluses so it is important to differentiate your condition through proper assessment.


At Sole Purpose Podiatry we can help treat your plantar warts with the following options:

  • Chemical cauterization: using a high strength acid treatment such as salicylic acid or nitric acid (these treatments are typically painless and non-invasive)

  • Prescription-strength medication recommendations: we can help you choose the most suitable at-home medicated wart treatment. Most of the time, this treatment alone may not be enough to cure your wart but can certainly help when used in conjunction with podiatric treatment.

  • Boosting immune system: a healthy immune system provides a natural defensive towards the viral infection. Paying particular attention to diet and lifestyle habits can prove beneficial to your success rate to wart treatment.

  • Referral to curettage surgery: if warts do not heal after consistent podiatry management, then they may need to be removed surgically. This procedure is performed under a local or general anaesthetic, and is usually a day surgery operation. We can provide you a referral to a Podiatric Surgeon for you. It is important to note that post operative care will require regular wound checks and dressing changes until the skin has completely healed. Either your Podiatric surgeon or we can perform this for you.